Monday, June 27, 2011

Daily Inspiration: Crazy Hair Color.

Who else loves crazy colored hair? I've been dying my hair some crazy colors since I was young, about 10/11 years old. I clearly remember when I was younger I went to see "Raise your voice" with Hilary Duff (being an obsessed fan that I was, I saw every movie with her) and noticed the background actors at the music school having crazy colored hair and asking my mom if I could have my hair like that when I got older. That didn't take long though! When I was about 10 I convinced my mom to get me semi-permanent hair dye at Target and was overly excited when I got to dye my hair red (from dirty blonde.) Ever since then I've been obsessed with different hair colors.

Lady GaGa sporting teal hair in Japan.

For those of you who are curious, here is my hair over the past few years.

Which leaves me to my original intention of this post, how do you feel about crazy colored hair? Or just dying your hair in general? Love it? Hate it? Or better yet, have you ever considered dying your hair a (non)crazy color, or have you already done so?


forex said...

good vid!

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